
Heckle is looking for submissions!

by Heckle Editors

Who We Are

We are Heckle, the online publication of the Republican Socialist Platform – a group founded in 2020 to advance the cause of republican socialism within the Radical Independence Campaign and the wider independence movement.

What We Want

We have previously mostly published opinion pieces and journalistic dispatches, but are also looking for longer features, arts, sports and culture criticism, as well as social and oral history pieces. If you are a visual artist, it’s likely we’d love to have your contributions as well, so long as the work can be properly appreciated on our website.

Articles tend to be between 1,000 and 2,000 words, although there is no minimum or maximum length requirement.

Who We Want

If you have expertise in a subject you’d like to share or a unique take on the past, present and future of Scotland or the world – you’re exactly who we’re looking for! All we ask from contributions is that they align with the identity of Heckle as a republican socialist publication.

As well as accepting voluntary contributions, we have a small freelance budget and welcome pitches for paid commissions, for instance from professional writers or where the piece itself is particularly labour-intensive or draws on a writer’s specialist expertise.

How to Submit

Email contact@heckle.scot to pitch us your idea or submit a completed work for publication.



Heckle is overseen by a seven-person editorial board elected by members of the Republican Socialist Platform.

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