In defence of Ukraine: a response to the Stop the War Coalition
by Peter Cooper
Ukraine Solidarity Campaign Scotland secretary Peter Cooper responds in Heckle to an article by Stop the War Coalition Scotland secretary Sophie Johnson which claimed and welcomed that “popular enthusiasm for the war in Ukraine has all but disappeared”.

Kharkiv: a city on the frontline of anti-imperialist struggle
by Colin Turbett
Colin Turbett reports from the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, where trade unionists and community activists are defending their neighbours against the backdrop of war.

The left is fundamentally failing Ukrainians
by Jack Ferguson
The Ukrainian resistance deserves the left's support in the face of Russia's invasion, argues Jack Ferguson.

Edinburgh launch of 'Ukraine: Voices of Resistance and Solidarity'
by Heckle Editors
Heckle is republishing below the details of a book launch event organised by the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign (Scotland) and taking place in Edinburgh’s Lighthouse Books on Saturday 21st January, 7pm–8pm. Both the book and the discussion will likely be of interest to those who share our support for national self-determination and opposition to all imperialisms. […]

Fascism, Putin and the nature of the Russian state
by Allan Armstrong
Allan Armstrong examines the nature of the Russian state under Vladimir Putin and his 'little helpers' on the left.

Ukrainian history holds lessons for Scottish socialists
by Alice Rosmer
A new book tells the fraught story of the Ukrainian working class movement, its political parties and organisations, and how they faced up to the national question amid the revolutionary tumult of the year 1917.